True You, Now Streaming
On the True You Videocast no topic is off-limits. Connect with Staci Rudolph, Abby Galliano, and Hildsy Marie weekly for a dose of Truth on some of culture’s hardest topics.
Thursdays | 7:00 pm EST
Discover how God’s Truth sets you free to be true you.
True You, Now Streaming
On the True You Videocast no topic is off-limits. Connect with Staci Rudolph, Abby Galliano, and Hildsy Marie weekly for a dose of Truth on some of culture’s hardest topics.
Thursdays | 7:00 pm EST
Discover how God’s Truth sets you free to be true you.

Episode 1
The truth about depression. Back in April of this year, The Atlantic reported that the U.S. is experiencing an extreme teenage mental health crisis. In a survey, 57% of teenage girls said they had persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness. That means that almost six out of ten teen girls are struggling deeply. In this episode of True You, we’ll tackle the topic of depression with the Truth of God’s Word. It’s time to fight together!
Episode 2
Let’s talk about about Biblical womanhood.
51% of Christian teen girls don’t think it’s great to be a girl. They think it’s difficult. Join us for this episode as we dive into what it really means to follow the Biblical model of womanhood.
Episode 3
Do you feel like you’re faking it?
We surveyed Christian teen girls and 85% of them said they felt like they were faking Christianity. Can you relate? In today’s episode, we’re going to address what to do when you feel like you’re putting on a show.
Episode 4
Do you find identity in your relationship status?
Today we’re going to talk about one of the most requested topics: guys! Yeah, you told us over and over that you want us to go there! And let’s get straight to the lie we’re going to tackle: “I need a guy!” When Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and Dannah Gresh wrote Lies Young Women Believe…teen girls of ALL ages believed this lie…and all school types…homeschooled, public schooled, and Christian school girls had this ache…this “need” to have a guy. But believing that lie will lead to a lot of heartache. We’re here to tell you how to avoid it.
Episode 5
The scary truth about gossip. According to the New York Times, 80 percent of our conversations are spent discussing other people and their habits. I guess you could say…we gossip…a lot! Join us as we discover the truth about gossip and how it affects us and our relationships.
Episode 6
Are you feeling lonely? You’re not alone!
Today we’re going to talk about one of the most requested topics: lies social media tells us about friendship! The stats are scary. Never in any time in modern history have teenagers reported feeling lonelier than they do right now! And guess what: you can trace that growth of loneliness to one specific thing: smart phones. Yep! The more we try to connect through them…the lonelier we get! We’ve all felt it. And it hurts.